Mi único amor es mi único odio,

I was in the winter of my life, and the man I met along the road was my only summer. Memories of him are the only thing that sustained me, and my only real happy times. When the people I used to know found out what I had been doing, how I had been living, they asked me why. But there is no use in talking to people who have a home, they have no idea what it is like to seek safety in other people, for home to be wherever you lied your head.

Amantes del chocolate.


Search for the answers I knew all along

Hoy me he despertado con unas ganas de ti... Como todos los días desde hace dos meses. Tengo ganas de darte los buenos días a besos y empezar el domingo con buen pie de una vez. Te echo de menos todos los días, pero los domingos realmente pueden conmigo. Y ya si llueve...

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